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Notice on organizing a public speaker about "Documenting our relationship with nature”

TDT Creative Language Center would like to inform you of the upcoming public speaking about “Documenting our Relationship with Nature”. Details of the program are as follows:

  1. Purposes:
  • Help students have a chance to meet and communicate in English with prestigious speakers all over the world.
  • Help students understand and feel the beauty as well as the importance of the relationship between human and nature with artistic angles and authentic documentation.
  1. Participants: Lecturers, staff members and students of Ton Duc Thang University.
  2. Content:

     3.1. Topic: Documenting our Relationship with Nature

     3.2. About the speaker:

  • Ms. Molly Ferrill is a photographer, writer and documentary film maker specializing in environment, culture and tourism.
  • She has been chosen to work with famous magazines and television stations such as National Geographic, Discovery Channel, BBC, Voice of America, loạt PBS Nature, The Monadnock Ledger, The Straits Times, Channel News Asia, etc.
  • She has experience working in Asia, East Africa and North, Central and South America.
  1. Agenda





13:30 – 14:00



14:00 – 14:15



14:15 – 14:45

Presentation on “Documenting our Relationship with Nature”


14:45 – 15:00


Gift giving to participants (05 presents: Nature Photobook by National Geographic)


15:00 – 15:10

Closing Remarks

  1. Time and venue: 14:00 on 3rd December 2017 at Hall F, Ton Duc Thang University
  2. Registration:
  • Students who are interested click on the following link to register:

  • Deadline: 23:00 on 30th November 2017